Preparing for Accreditation Renewal

  Dear Families, Next week, Tuesday, September 29, at 7pm in Egan Hall, we have the Stakeholders meeting in preparation for our Western Catholic Education Association accreditation renewal. It is most important that you attend.  We want your

Coffee Q & A Wednesday 9/23

Join us this Wednesday morning for coffee and discussion with fellow St. John parents.  The first part with cover Q & A with our newest Learning Specialist, Adrey Ocampo.  The second half will cover the roles, responsibilities,and expectations

Back to School Liturgy

Dear Families, I wish you could have all been at Mass with us yesterday. The students processed in carrying a large cutout of an anchor, the symbol of our firm and secure Hope in Christ. I was surrounded by first graders and Kindergarteners and

The Virtue of Hope

Dear Families, This year we focus on the theological virtue of Hope, by which we desire the kingdom of heaven and eternal life as our happiness, placing our trust in Christ's promises and relying not on our own strength, but on the help and grace

Blessing of the Backpacks Mass

  3rd Annual Blessing of the Backpacks Mass Sunday, September 20th at the 10:30 Mas Everyone going back to school is invited to celebrate the beginning of the new school year by bringing their backpack, book bag or tote to be blessed by