8th Grade News for 2016/2017
Dear Parents of Eighth Graders,
We look forward to a wonderful eighth grade year with your student. Students will enjoy retreats in the fall and spring, and many other activities in their final year at St. John School.
All families with students entering eighth grade are billed a “Graduation Fee” in July. The Graduation Fee will be included along with the Auction Class ($10) and Disaster Prep ($5) fees on your first billing with Smart Tuition.
The Graduation Fee covers the cost of the Year Book, among other things (cap & gown, reception, retreats, diplomas, etc.). You are welcome to order additional copies of the Year Book in the spring.
Feel free to contact Diane Crockett, 206-783-0337, dcrockett@st-johnschool.org if you have any questions. Enjoy a great summer!