From the Principal – No school tomorrow!

Enjoy your day with your children! The teachers will be in class tomorrow attending Teacher Excellence Day presented by the Office for Catholic Schools at Bishop Blanchet High School. St. John teachers are taking a variety of classes ranging from presentations about the growth mindset to data analysis. We are active learners! We look forward to sharing all that we learned and helping each other grow.

At Mass on Wednesday, Fr. Crispin praised the children and encouraged them to continue to achieve the Schoolwide Learning Expectations. He read out the names of many students who have already earned Soaring Eagle Awards when they were “caught” by their teacher or another faculty member being Christ-centered, or showing that they are active learners, or empowered disciples. Each Monday, we also pull a card from all those who have received awards during the previous week and announce the name at morning prayer.

Enjoy a video of our recent Mass.  Link here.


Bernadette O’Leary, Principal