
On Sunday, at Mass, we will observe the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, but today marks the actual fortieth day of Easter when Jesus returned to heaven to be with God the Father. He commissioned the disciples to baptize in His name, reminding them and us that He is always present through His spirit. What a great day to be confirmed! We wish all our St. John Confirmandi the very best as they strengthen their faith and receive the Sacrament of Confirmation tonight! Remember them in your prayers.

We are all back from our extended field trips and the reports indicate that each trip was successful, enjoyable and the students are telling me that they ‘learned a lot’! As I write, the fourth grade is preparing to leave for a day at the Seattle Art Museum! Thank you, parents, for all the time you give as chaperones on the long and the short field trips. Without you, these valuable experiences would be impossible.

Don’t forget that June 1st is Buddy Lunch Day. The students will enjoy a picnic lunch outside on the playground (weather permitting) with the buddies. You do not need to pack a lunch for that day! Everybody eats for free! You will need to pack a lunch on Friday, June 2nd. There is no hot lunch program on that day as the Eighth Grade Parent Celebration will be taking place in Egan Hall.

More food news! Remember that on June 3rd, you are invited to the Pig Roast! This all school-parish picnic celebrates community and the fact that school is almost out.  We will also have a booth with volunteers who can tell you more about our Capital Campaign! Eat, drink, celebrate and be informed!  Link here to reserve your space.

School may be almost out, but teachers are still teaching!  Remind your children to stay focused and to follow the SLEs!

God Bless,

Bernadette O’Leary