Auction – Denim & Diamonds
Free Dress – Week before Christmas Holidays
Last year, the Auction offered the week of Christmas Holidays dismissal Free Dress for $25 per student as an Auction item – it was our most popular item! If you missed your chance to sign up or were not here last year, you can still purchase! Visit the Auction webpage to pay by credit card or send a check for $25 per student payable to St. John Auction, to the school office by December 15. All money raised by this fun Auction item supports the school’s operating budget. Parents will receive an email reminding your student that they may come to school December 18-20 in free dress. Yes to Free Dress!
“Like” the St. John Auction on Facebook
Stay current with Auction events on Facebook. Please “like” the St. John Auction on Facebook.
Thank You, Volunteers
The Auction team would like to thank the following people for volunteering at St. Alphonsus’s Auction last Saturday: Kristen Capka, Lauren Exnicios, Peter Doyle, Irene Wainaina, Jenny McGovern, Emily Hallman. We appreciate our volunteers; if you would like to help with our Auction, please contact the team at
Sponsor the Auction!
Sponsoring the Auction helps your business and the school, a win-win. If you would like to sponsor the Auction, please visit the Auction webpage to find a description of Auction sponsorship levels and the agreement form. As an added bonus, we are offering a 10% discount on sponsorships received by December 20, 2017.
Thank you for your continued support of the annual St. John Auction; money raised goes directly to the school’s operating budget.
Karen Bombino (, Kristen Capka ( or Auction (