Principal’s letter

Yesterday at class mass, Grace, the 6th grade lector read to us from the First Book of Samuel. It was the story of David and how he defeated the warrior, Goliath. In a clear voice she read of David’s faith, “I have come against you in the name of the Lord of hosts.”  As I listened to her, I thought about our Goliaths! It feels that we are all up against giant challenges. Around us and on the nightly news we witness the stories of poverty and homelessness, violence and intolerance. Members of our community are facing challenges with illness and life-changing issues. Fortunately, at St. John, we have many Davids! Families take care of one another and they serve in greater Seattle. Missionary discipleship is alive not just in the school with students making care packages and butterflies, helping at WestSide Baby and St. Vincent de Paul, but among the parents who also reach out. St. John families cook and deliver meals, support and listen to one another, bake cookies and help with one another’s children. Tonight, school and community members will meet in Egan Hall to figure out how to get at least one more homeless family off the streets. We are called to act for the common good, and together, we can face Goliath. Thank you, St. John community.

Catholic Schools Week is just around the corner!  This national celebration of Catholic education begins for us at the all-school, 10:30am Mass on Sunday, January 28.  Students and families are encouraged to reflect their ethnic background and wear traditional dress, otherwise, students wear their formal dress uniform.  Mass will be followed by Open House and the Cultural Fair. Be sure to save the date!

God bless,

Bernadette O’Leary