Be Calm and Pray on!
The February snow meant an icy start this morning. Thank you for being attentive to the text and webpage messages. I also thank those teachers who sent out an extra email to their parents. I feel sure we alerted everyone on time and that you enjoyed a more leisurely morning.
At our retreat on Friday, Fr. Madigan reminded the faculty and staff of the value of those first few moments of each day. How if we wake up to our blessings and to Jesus, our days may be less frantic. This morning may not have been one of these days as the ‘snow text’ probably woke some of you. However, you can start this evening and take a few minutes to think about or pray about all that is good. Fr. Madigan told us to chat with Jesus as we would to a friend; that He is always listening. We can hand over our worries and concerns to Him and ask Him to take care of them; He will help us. This Lent, how about we pray more, trust more, and worry and complain less.
Congratulations to the eighth graders! They received their letters of acceptance to the high-schools last weekend. Many of the students received academic honors and merit awards, leadership awards and faith and mission awards. We also received the first semester results from Bishop Blanchet High School. Seventy-nine St. John graduates received first and second honors! Well done, St. John!
Grandparents’ & Special Friends’ Day is coming up and so is an Auction procurement deadline. Be sure to check the website for all the news!
Bernadette O’Leary