6th Annual Blessing of the Backpacks Mass Supporting the Broadview-Thomson K-8 Food Program on Sunday, September 16, at 10:30am. This is a very special collection to support those in need right here in our community. Bring your backpack to Mass to be blessed by Father for the new school year, and donations for our friends at Broadview-Thomson. Donation suggestions: Local grocery store gift cards, canned food: tuna, condensed soups, baked beans, chili, Chef Boy-R-D & spaghetti sauce, dried food such as one pound containers of low sugar cereals, spaghetti, tuna helper, mac & cheese, beans & rice, dried soups or side dishes, fruits & “just add water” muffin mixes, plastic jars of peanut butter.
Registration for North Seattle Catholic Youth opens September 1! North Seattle Catholic Youth will be holding events at the end of September, but you can register early starting on September 1. North Seattle Catholic Youth is a youth ministry partnership with seven parishes in the North Seattle area, including St. John School parish and non-parish students, serving students in middle and high school. The program is based on the belief that each and every young person is called to be a saint and we want to journey with them! Learn more at www.nscy.org and look for more information in the bulletin next week as plans for the school year will be announced.