- Watch for conference schedules to come out next week via email. Conferences will be held on Monday, October 29, and Monday, November 5.
- We still have some space in Band for beginning (grade 5) and intermediate/advanced (grades 6-8) students – link here. Students enjoy lessons/practice twice per week, during lunch period with Bishop Blanchet High School’s band leader, Ms. Cathrine Stadulis. You’ll show off your new talent at Christmas programs, concerts, talent shows, and other fun events. Bishop Blanchet provides the band program for regional Catholic schools. In Band, you’ll not only learn how to play an instrument, you’ll also gain: A sense of accomplishment, skills in team work and self-discipline, an appreciation for the arts, determination, self-confidence, personal growth, friendships, and most importantly, it’s fun!
- Seattle Bishops to Lead Prayer Tonight, October 4 Link here for information.