Happy Thanksgiving!
Looking for inspiration for a prayer, I opened a book by Henri Nouwen. Perhaps because I am thinking about Thanksgiving, this quotation from the Gospel of Matthew jumped out: “Do not worry; do not say, “What are we to eat? What are we to drink? How are we to be clothed?”…..Your Heavenly Father knows you need them all. Set your hearts on His kingdom first….and all other things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:31-33.
Jesus of course, does not deny the reality of basic needs; nor is He chastising us for planning for Thanksgiving. He is asking that we look beyond our own worldly needs and desires, to focus on goodness and charity, tolerance, love and gratitude. Let us give thanks for our blessings. Thank you to the St. John parents and students who made kits for the homeless. Thank you to all the families who are donating food for the St. Vincent de Paul pantry. Thank you, volunteers, who make events like today’s Grandparents and Special Friends Day so special for all who attend. Thank you, teachers, for your commitment to each and every student. Thank you, parents, for being our partners. Thank you, St. John School and Parish staff for your daily support of the students, and of every program and event on campus. Thank you, St. John Community, for ensuring that a tradition and legacy of excellence continues at St. John.
Music teachers, Mrs. Becky Kelly and Mrs. Pat Tsagalakis, led the students in two very heartwarming programs for Grandparents and Special Friends Day today. Congratulations again to our Development Team under the leadership of Mrs. Michele Thornquist and Mrs. Julie Lee who made sure that all the guests enjoyed a lovely lunch with the students. While all that was going on this morning, the preschool teachers were packing and preparing for their move, and new furniture for the remodeled Quigley House was being delivered! The kindergarten students were also surprised to receive lovely new chairs!
Yes, we are blessed! Thank you all,
Happy Thanksgiving,
Bernadette O’Leary