Free and Easy…Money!

Yes, you read correctly.  Free money is available from the following sources for St. John School!

  • Scrip – Many of you have not been a regular user/purchaser of Scrip for your everyday purchases of groceries and gas, but are beginning to understand the real impact you and your family can have on St. John School.  Here’s what happens when each family honors their pledge contract to use Scrip, with a purchase of Fred Meyer for groceries, for instance, with a return to St. John School of 5%:
    • 326 families purchase $300 per month of Fred Meyer with 5% return
      • 326 x $300 = $1,173,600 over 12 months
      • 5% return on $1,173,600 = $58,680.00 to St. John School!

This number could easily be higher – not many families purchase only $300.00 per month on groceries – what about gas?  We have made it easier than ever to purchase Scrip – email our Scrip coordinators and send in a check for payment; purchase on site after church or at various school events; purchase online with a credit or debit card (2.3% + 0.30 transaction fees apply).  Order online or via email by Wednesday and receive your Scrip – delivered by your student – on Friday.  Easy Money!

  • Smile.Amazon – We ALL purchase on Amazon.  Purchasing through Smile.Amazon, choosing St. John the Evangelist Parish and School brings .5% rebate to us.  Place a quick link on your desktop or phone and make the commitment to use Smile.Amazon for all of your Amazon purchasing.  Smile.Amazon has the same products, same prices, same Prime benefits as regular Amazon. Figuring that 326 families average $1,000 per year (many more!) means we receive 0.5% of $326,000, or $16,300!!!  Easy Money!
  • BoxTops for Education – more Easy Money!  St. John School receives 10 cents for each boxtop you clip and turn in to the school office!  Doesn’t sound like much?  Since St. John School joined this program, families have earned $12,977.45!  These funds are dedicated to the playground, providing lots of great supplies for children to use at recess.  Recess is a classroom, too, and they need good quality tools for learning.

Have any ideas or resources for Free and Easy Money?  Please share!