
Raising funds for St. John School can be fun…and easy!

  • Scrip     Using Scrip is a promise you make when you sign your tuition pledge.  Scrip is so very easy to use.  You purchase groceries.  You purchase fuel for your car.  Once in a while you may go out to eat.  You can do all of this and so much more using Scrip.  Ordering is simple, too.  Order online and have your Scrip hand delivered.  If you have not participated, remember your promise.  If you have questions, contact our Scrip gurus and tireless volunteers, Tricia Kane-Yi and Andrea Vaught.
  •     Another easy-as-pie way to raise funds for St. John School.  You can have fun buying all the wonderful things you want, send Amazon donations our way, and you can even check to see what your impact is!  Don’t bypass this one.  Set up a link on your desktop so you always link to the Smile.  Same products, same prices, same Prime perks.  Since February 2019, you have generated $3,903.53! Wow!!!
  • BoxTops for Education     We have participated in this one for years.  Over the lifetime of our participation, you have generated over $12,000 for our playground (these are dedicated funds). Students continue to have the “extras” on the playground due to this easy fundraiser.
  • Fred Meyer / Kroeger   Link your Fred Meyer Rewards card to St. John School and really make an impact.  Purchase FM Scrip  +  Scan your FM Rewards card at checkout = Huge dollars for your school!  Link here.

No excuses.  These are so easy to do.  Any ideas for other easy ways to earn for St. John with little effort?  Email Diane Crockett and she will investigate for us.