Principal’s Letter
This weekend, we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. Jesus promised the disciples that he would send an Advocate, the Holy Spirit, to help them as they ventured forth and gave witness to the word of God. It is a fitting feast-day on which to have the Baccalaureate Mass. Fr. Crispin will bless the Class of 2019 at the 10:30 Mass and send them forth to spread goodness and to continue their works of service to their neighbors.
Next week is the last full week of school and it is busy! The students are hard at work preparing presentations in many classes and taking finals in others. You are invited to attend all the presentations. Your interest and enthusiasm validates the students’ work and encourages them. On Monday next, first grade will host Habitat Day. Tuesday is a big day when the students eat lunch with their buddies from other classes. In the afternoon, each class makes a presentation as they say goodbye to the eighth grade at the Farewell Assembly. Also on Tuesday, the second grade has Open House before and after school. On Wednesday, Kindergarten and seventh grade attend class mass, the Sixth grade will present the Living Wax Museum culminating their study of Ancient Greece. The eighth-grade graduation ceremony takes place on Thursday evening, June 13. Friday is the last day of lunch service.
Saturday, June 15, marks our big, community end-of-year celebration! After the 5pm Mass, join us as we kick off summer at Schools Out, Grill’s Out. It promises to be a delicious bar-b-cue, with our own Chef Michael and Ethan Stowell collaborating on the menu. See following for ticket information.
Thank you, parents, for your continued support and partnership as we make our way to the end of the school year.
See you at the many events over the next week!
Bernadette O’Leary