Fair Share: What is In-Parish Tuition?

The Cost to Educate for the 2019/2020 school year is $10,700.82 per student.

  • Out-of-Parish Tuition is $10,700.82 per student
  • In-Parish Tuition is $8,025.62 per student

Who is eligible for In-Parish tuition?

To be eligible for in-parish tuition, you must be active and participating members of St. John Parish for at least six months prior to registration.  Specifically, families are required to have at least one parent baptized Catholic and:

  • Register in the parish office and annually file a Sacrificial Giving Card
  • Attend Mass regularly at St. John the Evangelist
  • Contribute to the life of the parish by participating in one of the many parish ministries
  • Attend the annual State of the Parish presentation
  • Tithe regularly (weekly or monthly) through the Sunday envelope and make a consistent effort to meet that pledge

Parish families are expected to honor the above requirements throughout their student’s enrollment at St. John School.  Families who do not meet the above criteria are considered out-of-parish.  The Fair Share for out-of-parish families is the cost to educate.

Is there a minimum tuition for parish families?

No.  However, there is a stated, in-parish tuition comparable to other Catholic schools in North Seattle.  Parish families are encouraged to strive to pay at least this amount.  If you can afford to pay more, then the expectation is that you will pay more.  If your family cannot afford this amount, then you may pledge less.

Will you ask for our financial information, and don’t some people get off too easily?

The school does not ask to see tax returns or any sort of financial statement.  Each parish family arrives at its decision in honesty and privacy.  St. John School made a commitment to the Fair Share tuition model in 1990, and St. John School trusts the honesty of families enrolling children in the school.  Fair Share operates on Catholic virtues of trust and honesty:  trust that parents will pay the most they can afford and trust that school leadership will be faithful and careful stewards of your pledge.