Principal’s Letter

It was with great pleasure and pride that I listened to Mrs. Megan Costa as she told us about her experiences at St. John.  Her love for the community and her students radiates daily.  As I walked through the hallways during Open House, and each

Dates to Note

Friday, January 31 Catholic Schools Week:  Celebrating Our Students - Purple and Gold Day Students may wear uniforms or dress in purple and gold, the school colors FREE student lunch Homecoming activities begin in the gym at

State of the School

Do you have students returning for 2020/2021? State of the School presentations are scheduled for next week.  Come celebrate what has been accomplished and gain an understanding of St. John's Fair Share philosophy and the predicted tuition for next

Art Walk – Call for Hangers!

St. John School will be participating in the ArtUp Phinneywood Art Walk - the Big One on May 8, 2020. In preparation for our all-school art installation headed by Mrs. Kay Jang, we are requesting your help.  Mrs. Kay needs wire hangers - one per

Basketball Playoff Schedule

Congratulation to all of our St. Al/John Basketball teams who’ve made it into the play-offs!  Come and support our players this weekend and next weekend! [bs_well size="sm"]Saturday, Feb. 1, Girls Basketball[/bs_well] 9:00am:  6th Grade Girls

Summer Camp at St. John XDC!

Watch for an announcement next week about Summer Camp through St. John Extended Care (XDC).  Summer Camp is nine weeks of arts and crafts, field trips, and fun!  Every week has a different theme, and each day will be filled with activities and