Parish News
Happy Birthday, Father Crispin! We are so thankful for your guidance and care! God bless you now and always.
Your work produced by Faith,
Your labor prompted by Love,
And your endurance inspired by Hope,
In the Lord, Jesus Christ.
Thessalonians 1:3
Visit the Parish Website for detailed information about Mass schedules, special events, and the Parish e-newsletter. Following are highlights:
First Communion Preparation Do you have a child who will enter second grade this fall? Do you have an older child who has not yet had the opportunity to prepare for the sacrament? If you are registered in the parish and have listed your child as a family member, you should have received a letter with a registration form. If you haven’t received a letter, you can access the registration form or go to our website for more information. Questions? Contact Julia Rudden at
Public Masses Seattle is approved for Phase 2. We can now have public Masses with limited capacity. Reservations are required in order to attend Mass. For more information about in-person Mass and to make reservations, go to the Parish Mass Reservation page.