Parish News

Visit the Parish Website for detailed information about Mass schedules, special events, and the Parish e-newsletter.  The following are highlights:

Message from Broadview-Thomson K-8 Food Program     Once again, a huge thank you to the entire St. John Community for your continued support of the food program at BTK-8, especially during this unprecedented year that we have all been through. 

Before my big shopping trip this past weekend, I had $600 left in gift cards from donations collected as part of your Giving Tree during Advent.  I spent just over $500, and as you can see in the photos, I should have enough supplies for at least another couple of months! 

I utilize every dollar and oversee the purchase of every can, bag and box of food and supplies.  I also see the faces of those who gratefully receive these gifts of kindness. 

At the last weekly lunch distribution in February, the school gave out 475 lunches.  This was the largest group of visitors they have had since they started the lunch program last April, so the need is most definitely still there.  These are still very tough times for so many families, and I think the community has come to depend on our services to help bridge the gap.   

Again, please accept my most heartfelt thanks; you truly do make a difference!   

–Samantha Woogerd, BTK-8 Food Program Coordinator 

Still Looking for Something Meaningful to do This Lent?     Take part in our Lenten Service Tree!  You’ll see the “giving tree” in the back of the church.  The ornaments on the tree have suggestions for service and kindness this season.  Please take one and follow the instructions.  Happy serving! 

If you are not attending Mass in the Church, please choose from the list below to participate in this great opportunity to experience Lent in very simple ways: 

    • Say something nice to someone you meet – in person or online
    • Pray for someone you like and someone you don’t like
    • Set up a weekly contribution to St. John’s St. Vincent de Paul Society or to Broadview Thomson K-8 Food Bank (via St. John Vanco)
    • Buy extra of your usual canned goods and donate to Ballard Food Bank
    • Take a break and go outside for a walk.  Thank God for our beautiful world!
    • Attend Wednesday or Thursday daily mass at 3pm (in person or online on the St. John Facebook page)
    • When you feel frustrated or angry, stop and say a Hail Mary before doing anything else
    • Fast from gossip; share uplifting stories instead
    • Say a prayer right when you wake up – just give thanks to God for the new day!
    • Perform one random act of kindness
    • Go to Reconciliation; it is a sacrament of healing

Public Masses     We can now have public Masses with limited capacity.  Reservations are required to attend Mass; visit the Parish Mass Reservation page here.