Home » Archives for December 2021
Principal’s Letter
It has been a colorful, spirited week at school! We all enjoyed the festive holiday headgear, socks and sweaters, and the faculty and staff are so grateful for the coffee, donuts, cookies, chocolates, and all the treats and
Dates to Note
Friday, December 17Holiday Spirit Week - Christmas Cozy DayEarly Dismissal for Christmas Holidays, 12pmMonday, December 20-Wednesday, December 22Christmas HolidaysSchool not in SessionThursday, December 23-Friday, December 24Christmas
Vaccine Clinic for Children Ages 5-11
We are thankful that COVID-19 vaccines are now available for children ages 5 and older. If you are looking for a vaccination appointment for your child, the following clinic for children ages 5-11 is available at Our Lady of Fatima Parish
January Hot Lunch
The ordering portal for Hot Lunch is open! Start off the new year right with some perennial favorites like grilled cheese sandwich, Kalua pork and pancakes. Check out the January menu, and order some or all of the delicious lunches for the month.
Financial Aid 2022/2023
Financial aid applications are now being accepted through FACTS Management for the 2022-2023 school year. The deadline to submit an application is January 7, 2022.
Fulcrum Foundation Tuition Assistance Grants
Available to parish and
Auction News
[bs_well size="sm"]St. John School Auction, presented by Fremont Dock Co.[/bs_well]
The auction team wishes you a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and a relaxing break! We leave you with a couple of important items before we wind down
Lost and Found
We are cleaning house before the holidays. Please check in with Mrs. Q. at the front office before heading to Lost and Found (lower west hallway). Once we dismiss on Friday, December 17 at noon, all items will be gathered and donated to
Parish News
Visit the Parish Website for detailed information about Mass schedules, special events, and the Parish e-newsletter. The following are highlights:
Confirmation Registration: Confirmation registration is open! We will start our
Principal’s Letter
It is fitting that as we approach Christmas, we have several feast days associated with Mary, the Mother of God. Today, December 9 is the Feast Day of Saint Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin (meaning “the talking eagle”), the first Catholic indigenous