Principal’s Letter

Alleluia! We are in the Liturgical season of Easter. The fifty days from the Sunday of the Resurrection to Pentecost Sunday are marked with faith-filled joy. Jesus has fulfilled His promise. His covenant of love will extend to all peoples for all

Dates to Note

Thursday, April 28PA Guest Speaker Series: Jasmine Bradshaw, "The First 3 Steps to Becoming an Anti-Racist Family," 7pm Hot Lunch Portal Closes, 11:58pmMonday, May 2Dress UniformCrowning of Mary Mass, Livestreamed from the St. John

COVID-19 Update

Case Numbers Update  At St. John: We have seen an increase this week in the number of positive COVID cases at St. John. This increase can most likely be attributed to the Easter Holidays/Spring Break; there has not been concern for spread

The Pope Wants to Hear from You!

The Archdiocesan Planning and Mission Effectiveness Office is reminding us all that there is still time to offer your insights and reflections during the final push of the Synodalic process. Click on the link below for the opportunity to

Tuition & Fees 2021-2022

Tuition and fees for the current school year, including XDC contract fees, are due in full not later than Tuesday, May 31, 2022. Contact Diane Crockett,, if you are unable to meet the deadline and/or need

Bike to School Day, May 20

St. John School and Cascade Bicycle Club invite you and your student(s) to join our friendly Bike to School Challenge, where students can receive fun and safety-oriented prizes for recording their minutes of activity in May on the Challenge

CYO: Volunteers Needed!

Track and Field: Calling All Volunteers! It takes a village to run our track team which is over 100 kids strong this year. We are looking for more parent helpers who can attend practice – no experience necessary. Visit our link to

In Case You Missed It…

Lunch Monitor – Please support our Teachers!  Please consider volunteering as a lunch monitor so that our hard-working teachers can have time to eat lunch and prepare for afternoon classes. No long-term commitment needed; any time

Community News

Playground Supervisor Position Open Our Lady of Perpetual Asphalt, Mrs. Dahlgren, is hanging up her whistle. St. John is looking for another saint to take on this important role. This is a paid position and an incredible service to the