Don’t Miss These Deadlines!
Middle School Musical Sponsorship
Become a patron of the performing arts at St. John! Sponsoring the musical helps underwrite the costs of producing high-quality theater in our school. Included in each level is the opportunity to congratulate your student on a job well done. More information be found on the Middle School Musical site. Ready to become a sponsor? Head to the sponsorship registration page. The deadline to become a sponsor of the Middle School Musical is this evening, February 1, 11:58pm.
Note: We are in need of an adult with some sound or AV knowledge who could be our team lead for the Sound Crew. The person would need to come to rehearsals Monday-Thursday, 3-5pm from February 21-28, and be available for performances March 1-3. We have several 8th-grade ‘veterans’ on the Sound Crew this year, so you will not be starting from scratch. If you know someone interested in this great Fair Share volunteer opportunity, please email Kari Aguila at
Cold Weather Clothing Drive Ends Tomorrow, Friday, February 2
Thank you to those who have donated to the Girl Scouts/St. Vincent De Paul cold weather clothing drive. Your generosity helps our neighbors in need. The last day to donate is tomorrow, Friday, February 2. A donation box is available in front of Principal O’Leary’s office (second floor) to collect cold weather items including unisex hats, gloves, socks, men’s coats (L/XL) and blankets.