Remote Learning Release

During this time of remote instruction, St. John School will be utilizing online resources to provide continuing classroom instruction to students. In order to ensure that every child in the class receives the instruction, the online instruction may be video and audio recorded so that it can be accessed at a later time. The primary focus of the video and audio recording will be on the instruction and the teacher, not on the students in the class.

However, questions and comments asked and spoken by students may be part of the recording. Student faces may be captured during online recordings as well. If the teacher chooses to record the lesson and post for his or her students, only students assigned to that specific class will have access to the video recording.

Additionally, we want to allow our teachers to help students via live video offered during office hours. We are asking teachers to record one-on-one help sessions. No recordings will be made public by St. John School in any capacity.

If you do NOT agree to your student possibly being recorded in any way, please download, complete, and return to Diane Crockett in the school office, the attached Release Form.