
Part of your Fair Share commitment is to participate in our Scrip program.  We purchase merchandise cards from vendors (Safeway, Fred Meyer, etc.); you purchase merchandise cards from us for face value.  St. John students benefit, the school benefits, and your family spends the same on the goods and services you purchase anyway.  Through the use of Scrip, St. John School adds over $60,000 per year to the operating budget, funding books, supplies, staff and more!

Thank you to Tricia Kane-Yi, Andrea Vaught, Megan McCarthy and rest of the Scrip team who have stepped up to try to fill the shoes of Karen Gunther Bombino.  Karen is moving from the Scrip program to the Auction.  We thank Karen for her dedicated service in this important mission.

Volunteers are needed to help deliver Scrip on Friday mornings–this could be once a month or every Friday, one person or several. The time commitment is 45 minutes or less each Friday.  Contact the Scrip office if you are interested at

Scrip will be sold Fridays after school in the lower east hallway (outside XDC) as well as after mass on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month.

Scrip – The easiest fundraising you will do!