The new online store for families wishing to purchase uniform items and spirit gear featuring the new St. John logo is open! From uniform t-shirts to baseball hats, your St. John gear is covered! The order deadline for uniforms and spirit wear batches on the 10th of each month. Orders will be delivered to the school by the end of the same month or about 3 weeks after the 10th of the month.


Do I have to buy new uniform pieces for my student? No. If families wish to purchase uniform pieces with the new logo, they may do so. However, families are not required to purchase new logo uniform pieces at this time.

Can my student still wear uniform pieces with the old logo? Yes. In the spirit of stewardship and sustainability, we anticipate a multi-year transition to uniforms with the new logo. 

Please remind me; what is considered Dress Uniform? Good question! The St. John Dress Uniform consists of a white polo shirt and navy sweatshirt with the St. John logo (old or new). In addition, boys will wear khaki pants; girls in grades 6, 7, and 8 may wear the Marymount plaid skirt or khaki pants; girls (K-5) may wear the Marymount plaid jumper or khaki pants. For detailed information about the components of the St. John uniform, please see the Uniform Policy page.

Can spirit wear be worn on Free Dress Day? Spirit wear may be worn on Free Dress Day with the exception of the logo flannel purple pants. Those can be worn on Cozy Day. Our non-uniform/Free Dress day policy follows: student dress should be consistent with the values of personal respect and dignity. Students’ clothing on non-uniform days should allow for safe play and be consistent with our intent to maintain an atmosphere that is distraction-free and conducive to learning. Clothing should be in good repair (no holes or tears in clothing), modest, and fit the wearer properly. 

  • Clothing with alcohol, drug, sexual, or violent themes are not permitted.
  • Tank tops/spaghetti straps, halter tops, and crop tops are not permitted.
  • Pajamas/pajama pants or sleep attire may not be worn at school unless designated during a school spirit week.
  • Practical shoes are required – Crocs, slippers (including Uggs) and sandals are not permitted. 
  • Hats and sunglasses may not be worn in classrooms and buildings.
  • Non-uniform short length must be consistent with uniform short length – 3 inches above knee. 

Attire or appearance that creates distraction to the learning environment will be addressed at the discretion of school administration.

Where can I buy specific uniform pieces and spirit gear? For new logo uniform t-shirts, navy sweatshirts, middle school gray hoodies and spirit gear, head to the online Uniform and Spirit Store. For Marymount plaid jumpers, skirts and hair accessories, visit the Dennis Uniform Store.

What is the Uniform Exchange? St. John School maintains a Uniform Exchange program for families wishing to donate and acquire gently-used uniform items in good condition. Uniform Exchange pieces are available either by appointment or at school events several times per year. For more information about donating or receiving uniforms via the exchange, please contact Rula Saleh,, or Carissa Person-Hurley,, and use “Uniform Exchange” in the subject line.