
Welcome, New St. John Families!

Welcome to St. John School! We are very excited to have you join our community. There is so much information coming your way, and some things might slip through. Never fear – we…

Online Uniform and Spirit Store

The new online store for families wishing to purchase uniform items and spirit gear featuring the new St. John logo is open! From uniform t-shirts to baseball hats, your St. John gear…

Volunteering and the Volunteer Pool

The opportunities for volunteering at St. John School are vast and varied. Your enthusiastic volunteerism enables us to keep operating costs low and events successful. We ask parents to strive towards the…

Health and Safety

Thank you for your ongoing support and continued efforts as we focus on our community’s health and well-being. You can find updated guidance that pertains to St. John School on…


Calendar Color Key: Red – Activities Periwinkle – Parents/Guardians Tan – School Days

Uniform Policy

The official uniform is made up of the following items. Some pieces are only available on the online Uniform and Spirit Store or the Dennis Uniform Store (for classic logo)…

Emergency Communication Plan

In an emergency or disaster situation, the school is committed to maintaining clear and effective communication with families. Below is the school’s emergency communication plan:  Emergency Situations Covered: Our communication…