Westside Baby – Faith in Action
Westside Baby has been a ministry of our Parish for years (you may have dropped off donations at in the crib in the Church). Your donations of gently used clothing, toys, books, equipment, and new diapers have helped to make life a little easier for local families who are suffering.
Students in Grade 6 have taken up the baton to assist Westside Baby! They will be collecting items and visiting WSB on a monthly basis to volunteer with the packing and distribution of donated goods. This is such an exciting project. As Ms. O’Leary said, “It is our Catholic Identity at work.” The students will see, experience, and help with important realities of life in poverty in this city.
Our first curbside donation drop-off will happen on Friday, October 21, 8-8:20am, with each third Friday of the month designated as a drop off day. Feel free to drop off large equipment, such as strollers, cribs, car seats, etc., at the curb. In addition, items may be delivered to the donation crib in the East hallway outside XDC (next to the Trophy case). As part of their service learning project, the sixth graders will be maintaining the donation crib. Families can donate good quality/condition clothing -up to size 12- and baby goods anytime by placing them in the crib (no large equipment items, please).