Auction News

  • All auction procurement items, bottles of wine, and cash donations need to be turned into the auction office by Friday, March 3. The catalogue will be prepared and printed shortly thereafter. If you have not turned in your procurement forms, auction items, or cash donations, please do so!  Feel free to drop off to the school office.
    • Remember, each family commits to the auction’s success – which is your child’s success – as part of your Fair Share, in parish or out of parish.
    • If you have not turned in your procurement forms, auction items, or cash donations, please do so!  Feel free to drop off to the school office.
  • The St. John Auction is making a volunteer swap with Loyal Heights.  We are looking for 8 people to work the Loyal Heights auction on Saturday, March 11, at the Fischer Pavilion.  In turn, 8 of their volunteers will work our auction.  Great community building!  Link here. Thank you for considering!