Thank You Corner
“I want to offer a huge bouquet of thank yous to all those who helped with First Communion and our First Communion Receptions! Thank you, First Grade parents – Marion Eberly, Ciara Byars, Tracy Smith, Elaina Wheeldon, Helen McClenahan, Kathy Beck, Andrea Marquez, Kim James, and high schooler Lucy Martinez for making the reception so beautiful and welcoming!
“Thank you to our wonderful second-grade teachers – Mrs. Telia Oines and Mrs. Pat Hendrickson—for teaching our children with patience, kindness, and reverence. Thank you to our assistants, Teresa Willson and Emily Connolly, who help guide our children. Thank you to Patty Mayhle and all the sacristans, ushers, lectors and Eucharistic ministers who helped make three masses happen for almost 60 children. Thank you, Sheila Connolly, for being such a calm, guiding spirit through this past year, and for adding so much to our parent classes. Thank you to Michael Strimban of Crispin’s Kitchen, for baking dozens of delicious cookies for our receptions!
“And of course, thank you to Father Crispin, for encouraging and guiding our children with love and the Holy Spirit.”
Julia Rudden
Director of Sacramental Preparation