Scrip for the Holidays
Scrip is part of your Fair Share obligation. You will be purchasing a lot of things soon. Thanksgiving means good food, maybe decorations? We have Scrip for that. Christmas means shopping for gifts, good food (again), decorations, party supplies. We have Scrip for that, too! New Year’s celebrations mean a new dress, heels, glam hair, party supplies, good food (yet again!). We have Scrip for that! Link here to see all the wonderful Scrip there is for you to choose from! We also sell after Sunday Mass, and you can always send a request to scrip via email – We are here for you!
Give some time to Scrip – it’s a great way to get in your required volunteer hours. Please visit our signupgenius page. and help out! We are selling this weekend after the Sunday masses and still have a spot open if you can lend a hand.