Homecoming Events

Catholic Schools Week is almost at an end for another year.  We have enjoyed a beautiful liturgy, family members sharing their vocations, appreciating our volunteers and teachers, serving those in need.

Tomorrow we celebrate our wonderful students!

FREE DRESS FOR PURPLE AND GOLD DAY     This is the one day of the year when certain exceptions are made to our dress code!!

  • O.K. To wear St. John sport jersey or shirt
  • O.K. to wear athletic attire
  • O.K. to wear shorts (length just above the knee*)..Refer to Handbook
  • O.K. to wear colored nail polish
  • O.K. colored hair
  • O.K. limited face paint

The day will be supervised by our Principal for the Day Gwendolyn S., Grade 6, spaghetti lunch will be served to all students for FREE, and we will celebrate with Homecoming events in Egan Gym beginning at 1:30pm.  Student/Faculty games will be played.  Thank you for supporting Catholic Schools Week!


One of St. John School’s first graduating classes…or is it?