Parish News

Lenten Service Tree     A Service Tree will be located in the back of the church during the Lenten Season. Hanging on the tree will be paper ornaments that list potential service ideas/opportunities. Those who choose to participate will take an ornament from the tree and perform the service.  Return to the tree after completing the service and hang a small ribbon on the tree to signify your Lenten service. Those who already perform services, or who have have a service idea that is not listed are encouraged to hang ribbons on the tree once completed. The ribbons on the tree are a visual reminder of service to others provided by St. John parishioners.     Available to download on iPhone and Android smart phones, now you can stay connected with the parish throughout the week.  You can receive instant notifications, event calendar, daily readings, reminders, and so much more.  Fostering a stronger parish and able to better engage the New Evangelization, download the app at  Scroll down the page to the red “I’m a parishioner” for instruction.

Ash Wednesday Masses     Masses will be held Wednesday, February 14, at 9am and at 7pm.