Thank You Corner
The Auction Team wants to thank the Auction Procurement Team! They are doing an amazing job! Please thank them when you see them. Thanks to Kara Dacquisto, Erin Kalanquin, Emily Hallman, Karen McMahon, Anne Mathieu, Lauren Exnicios, Kristen Capka, Julie Skinner.
Thank you to families of Grade 4! Families provided a delightful luncheon for faculty and staff. The luncheon was a success and the teachers greatly appreciated a healthy and tasty lunch last Thursday. A great, big heartfelt thanks goes out to Cheryl Pinsoneault and Chris Sourov for helping to set up and decorate for the event, and to Cristina Urrutia and Christine Westby for helping to serve and clean up. Thanks also to all the parents that brought food for the luncheon (and many folks brought more than one item!). So many help to make it a success: Alessandra Brescia, Ali Feary, Anne Paine, Chris Sourov, Christine Westby, Cristina Urrutia, Di Tran, Emily Hallman, Geeta McCormack, Helen McClenahan, Jason Robertson, Jenny McGovern, Jenny Wistrom, Kara Dacquisto, Lesli Castellanos, Lisa Behringer, Lisa Longton, Liz Overland, Megan McCarthy, Monica Overby, Olga Sala, Rachel Lambert, Shannon Flavin, Shannon Mapp, and Tara Stone, Barbara Folger- lead.