Summer Construction Update 8/16/18
August 2018
Jambo Rafikis!
Summer construction projects continue and our future campus is taking shape! We want to thank you for your flexibility, understanding, and support as the parish completes our capital projects. In this update we are providing information on the following:
* Progress to date on the projects
* Planned schedules for educational spaces and the opening of school
* Updates on the school portion of the project
Progress to Date
* A number of significant construction milestones are now within reach! Parish and school staffs are excited to be moving into the new administrative offices this week. We look forward to hosting a public open house soon. When you tour this new space, we think you will agree there is much to celebrate!
* The trailers were removed from the parking lot in mid-August.
* Work on the Quigley building—future home to the Preschool and Extended Daycare—is progressing nicely. Interior walls are framed and installation of building systems continues. Structural upgrades have been completed.
* Demolition has commenced in the former Extended Daycare (XDC) space.
Planned Schedules for Spaces and Opening of School
Projected Move-in Dates:
* Administration Building (former Rectory)—Completed. Move in began August 6, 2018
* Quigley—Pending inspection and licensing, Preschool classes will move in October 2018, XDC in November 2018
* Main School Building—Kindergarten classrooms, September 5. First and second grade classrooms and school office, winter 2019.
Contingency Plans for School and Extended Daycare:
With the start of school less than a month away– yes school will start on September 5 as scheduled– we want to share with you the plans that have been made to accommodate classes and XDC prior to construction completion. The plans are as follows:
* 5 Day Preschool classes will be held in the Mezzanine of Egan Hall through October
* Music and Art classes will be taught in student homerooms through October
* 3 Day Preschool classes will be held in library of the main school building through October
* Students will have access to the library on Thursdays and Fridays
* XDC will be housed in Rooms 44 and 45 of the portables
* Kindergarten classes will begin the school year in their new spaces, Room 6 and the former school office—main school building
* First and Second grade classes will continue in portables through completion of project
* Mrs. Q, school administrative assistant, will be located on the second floor of the main school building through project completion
* Mrs. Crockett, school business manager, will be in a temporary office in the new administrative building, through project completion
* Hot lunch for all students will continue operation in Egan Hall—service to begin on Tuesday, September 11
The Executive Committee believes the approach described above is prudent, that safety issues will be thoroughly addressed by Chinn Construction, and the school year will start and proceed without interruption.
School Construction Update
The permit for the school portion of the project was issued in late July. Delays in the City of Seattle permitting process have left little time this summer to complete the entire scope of work slated for the main school building. Demolition of the former XDC space and the existing stage is underway. Renovations to room 6 and the former school office will be completed in August and be ready for the first day of school. The creation of four new classrooms, school office, and teacher workroom will continue through the fall with an anticipated opening in winter 2019. Thankfully, we still have the portables allowing flexibility as the work continues.
In the last formal communication (March 15), we were awaiting estimates for additional structural work on the first floor of the school. During this process we learned of Washington State’s new seismic standards—expected to be adopted by the City of Seattle in 2019. While the school building received significant seismic updates in 1998, 2006, and 2008 and is presently listed as compliant, the school building is also classified as an Unreinforced Masonry Building; these new standards will eventually be required. The structural engineers and architects have reviewed the school building and made recommendations to bring the structure into compliance with the new seismically safer standards.
The totality of these recommendations calls for work on the first, mezzanine, second and third floors of the school. Typically, when new standards are adopted, building owners are allowed five to 10 years to comply. Since the planned scope for the school building involves major renovation of the first floor to provide six classrooms, flex space, and administrative space, the Building Advisory Committee (BAC) and the Executive Committee want to be thoughtful about the timing of these structural upgrades. We plan to address most of the requirements for the first floor and mezzanine area as part of the present project. The work on the second and third floors will be done later. Completing this seismic work now is proactive and takes advantage of access to structures already under construction.
Between reserves, limited new gifts, and loans from the Parish Revolving Fund (PRF) the Executive Committee believes the community has the resources to complete the school portion of the project and make the structural improvements described above.
Estimated schedules and budget for this work are still being completed. Look for an update on both in late August. This is indeed an exciting time for our campus. We look forward to sharing the new spaces with you and your children.
Fr. Crispin Okoth, Pastor
Bernadette O’Leary, Principal
Frank Feeman, Executive Committee Chair