From the Parish
New Parish Mailing Address Make a note: 106 North 79th Street, Seattle, WA 98103
Money Counters Needed Have fun once a week with a great group of money counters! Each Monday at 9am, coffee and counting of the weekend collections happens in our beautiful new building! No experience necessary, just the ability to count! Contact the parish office at 206-782-2810 if interested. Did we say, free coffee and great group?
Mass of the Guardian Angels will be held on Saturday, October 6, at 8:30am. A Rosary will precede the Mass (8am). This service is in remembrance of our beloved deceased children, regardless of the cause of death.
St. John Youth Group kicks off this coming Sunday, October 7, at St. Catherine parish. Youth Group is for all middle school students regardless of membership in the Catholic church. Six other parishes are part of this same youth group. Families are invited at 5pm to learn about youth group, hear a worship band, and eat a meal together. The meal starts at 6:15pm. This is an excellent opportunity for your middle school student to meet students from other parishes and grow in faith.