Thank You Corner

  • Thank you to our new Box Tops for Education Coordinators!  What a team!  Anita Chan, Shannon Mapp, Crystal McCants, Juan Vargas – thank you!  You can email your questions or thoughts to the team at
    • PS – Send in your boxtops NOW to the school office – the next turn in date for the team is coming up in November!
  • Thank you to our hot lunch volunteers – Kara Dacquisto, Susan Turner, Michelle Vierra, Patrick McNerthney, Glorilyn Maw, Aimee LaMarch, Karen Bombino, and to the rest of our wonderful helpers who come when they can!
  • Thank you to our SvEndowment volunteers!  See you all tomorrow night!
  • Thank you to our Scrip volunteers – Leonie Neville, Dawn Thornburg, Carrie Schenken, Mary Lamb for helping with the Friday delivery!  Of course, we also thank our coordinators Andrea Vaught and Tricia Kane-Yi for their leadership and dedication to this call.
  • Thank you to our 7th grade families for hosting a beautiful faculty/staff luncheon today.  The setting and food were beautiful and delicious, and so very appreciated!

Lots more opportunities to sign up for and help out!  Make it part of your routine as well as honor your pledge!