Parent Association
Second Annual St. John School “Families Help the Homeless” Mark your calendar for Tuesday, November 13, 2018, at 6:30pm in Egan Hall. This event is for the entire family. Families will assemble kits to be distributed to individuals and/or families experiencing homelessness in the community. Join other families in this wonderful compassionate service activity, especially meaningful at this time.
Keep your eyes peeled for the Homeless Kit Drive flyer coming home with students tomorrow. It outlines all the details of this event. We are looking for goods such as socks, hats, individually packaged snacks, toiletries, etc. We are also accepting cash/check donations. Please make checks payable to St. John School -100% of the proceeds will go to the kits. All donations will be collected in the classrooms.
Last year St. John families put together and distributed over 500 kits. Can we do it again? All families that attend the event will leave with kits to distribute to our community.
Save the Date!!!! Parent Association Speaker Series presents Dr. Ann Steel, M.D., “Raising Kids in a Digital World,” Thursday, November 29, 7pm in Egan Hall. This event is for adults.
Dr. Steel is “devoted to helping families, communities, and professionals understand and manage the challenges that arise from personal technology use.” The presentation will include:
- Benefits and risks of screen activities
- Warning signs for problematic use
- Technology guidelines for parents
- Eight Step Family Plan for taming technology use