Scrip will be sold at Coffee & Donuts after 8:30am and 10:30am Masses on Sunday, November 4.
Standing Orders Do you purchase the same Scrip each month? For instance, you always know you will spend $400 at Safeway each month and $40 for Starbucks? Save yourself some time. Sign up for a standing order by sending an email to detailing out the cards you would like and how often. You can also fill out an order form and send in to the school office. Payment is due to the school office on Wednesdays prior to card delivery on Fridays. This is a great way to support your school using cards for things that you ppurchase on a consistent basis (grocery, gas, coffee stores).
Your participation is part of your Fair Share commitment to St. John School, and helps ensure the vibrancy of your child’s educational experience. Let’s get going! Tricia Kane-Yi and Andrea Vaught, Coordinators