You spend a big portion of your monthly budget on groceries for your family. Did you know there’s a way to make all that money work for you?
By using Scrip to pay for your regular grocery purchases, you can earn funds for St. John School every time you shop. You pay face value and your gift card is worth face value. St. John School earns a rebate of each and every card you purchase. See how much you can earn:
Now, just imagine if 300 families (we currently have 326) just spent the $100 per week on groceries using Scrip at 2%. That would equal $31,200!!! Most grocery Scrip are closer to 4% – some more, some less. Let’s take that same 300 families (you did pledge to use Scrip at registration) using $100 per week on groceries with Scrip at 4% return to St. John School. Well, that, of course, would amount to $62,400! Then add on things like gas and gifts, meals and movies, clothes and catfish (oh, that comes under “groceries”), and the amount of return keeps rising. Some vendors pay 12% or more!
Please, if you are not already, do consider using Scrip – just get started. It’s so easy and so very worth it to the students, your children. Need help to get started? Andrea Vaught and Tricia Kane-Yi are just waiting for your email!