
Heard on campus:  “Why bother with buying and using Scrip?  It’s not important.”  This comment shows a lack of understanding of what St. John School and Parish are about.

  1. Scrip provides the school – your school – with funding to support programs for your children.
  2. Scrip brings in roughly $50,000 per year with only one-fourth of our families taking part on a weekly or monthly basis.
  3. Scrip directly affects your tuition rate.
  4. Scrip is part of your contractual pledge, that you promise to use Scrip to support our community.

St. John School is a Fair Share school.  Everyone – in-parish, out-of-parish, Catholic, non-Catholic – is a part of Fair Share.  Fair Share is based on trust and faith that each member of the community strives to do their very best to support the programs and fellow community members at St. John School.  Some years you have more time to volunteer than others, sometimes less, more financial means to share or sometimes less.  Everyone eats. Most drive. At the very least, use Scrip for your groceries and gas. Part of your promise, part of your Fair Share.

Using Scrip?  Thank you!

Not using Scrip?  Please get started!  Thanksgiving is around the corner.  Why not contact the Scrip team and get some in time for your Thanksgiving meal?

We would appreciate your thoughts about Scrip.  Please share with us and help us make this even better!