In Case You Missed It…
Lunch Monitor – Please support our Teachers!
There is only one week of school left, and our teachers could still use some time to eat their lunch and prepare for afternoon classes. Please consider volunteering as a lunch monitor. Thank you to those who have volunteered!
Summer Centennial Learning Incentive
Let’s celebrate St. John Catholic School’s Centennial with 100 minutes of activities a week to support a healthy mind, body and spirit over the summer. This is an opportunity for students to continue making growth toward our school-wide learning expectations. Students who complete the Summer Centennial Learning Incentive Coloring Page will earn Free Dress on September 9, 2022. More information can be found on the Summer Centennial Learning Incentive post.
Uniform Exchange
An amazing group of volunteers has been working tirelessly to prepare the Uniform Exchange for the School’s Out-Grill’s Out BBQ. Clean out your closets and bring in your freshly laundered school and sports uniforms and exchange them for next year’s sizes. The exchange needs jumpers, plaid skirts, sweatshirts and spirit shirts, but all uniform donations in good repair are welcome before the last day of school for summer sorting. When visiting the Uniform Exchange, please keep the area neat.
Uniforms can be dropped off at the office during school hours on Tuesday or Thursday or brought to the BBQ on June 10. Over the summer, uniforms can be donated or picked up at any of our summer playdates.
St. John Centennial – Alumni Interviews
In celebration of St. John School’s 100th year, we are seeking alumni to be interviewed by students in Fall 2022. We are eager to learn more about your time at St. John! If you are interested in participating, please complete this form and stay tuned for more information this fall. Please forward this form to anyone who may be interested or complete it on their behalf if they cannot. Please reach out to the Centennial Committee at with any questions.