Parish News

Visit the Parish Website for detailed information about Mass schedules, special events, and the Parish e-newsletter. The following are highlights:

Woodchip Distribution Help Needed
We will be spreading 20 yards of woodchips on the St. John Campus from August 24 to September 2. We could use your help! High School service hours? Team bonding? Cross-training? Work on your schedule, just contact Josh at 206-251-8103 or for instructions.

Synod Process Report and Next Steps – You can help!

St. John completed a Synodal Listening process in early April. Over 70  parishioners participated in two listening sessions and provided their input. Please see the attached letter from Fr. Crispin that was provided to the participants. It summarizes the results of the sessions and the next steps for St. John. The letter includes links to St. John’s summary document submitted to the Archdiocese and the submittal of the Archdiocese to the U.S. Conference of Bishops. Please let the parish office know if you would like to participate in the planned activities. Also, stay tuned for future listening sessions! They are a great way for us to come together, listen to each other and move forward as a community!

It’s Time to Register for First Communion Preparation!

Families: do you have a child who will enter second grade this fall? Or, do you have an older child who has not yet had the opportunity to prepare for the sacrament? Find more information on our webpage, or access the registration form here. Questions? Contact Julia Rudden at

Children’s Liturgy of the Word Needs You!

Are you interested in helping children learn about the Gospel? Children’s Liturgy of the Word will be starting up again this fall. The commitment involves working as a team with another person during the 10:30am Mass to teach young people about the meaning of the Sunday readings. We are happy to train you, and materials are provided. If you are interested, please contact Kim Burkhardt at