Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences
This year, Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place on November 9 and 10, with in-person and virtual options. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE SIGNED UP WITH THE CORRECT TEACHER.
- Wednesday, November 9
- School is not in session
- XDC is open*
- In-Person Conferences for students, parents and teachers
- Update: ALL Grades will have conferences in individual teacher classrooms (Quigley and Main School Building – enter using the northeast door)
- Student Support Team will have conferences in their usual teaching spaces
- Thursday, November 10
- School is not in session
- XDC is open*
- Virtual Conferences for students, parents and teachers
Sign up for conferences here.
Deadline: The deadline to sign up for conferences is Monday, 11/7/2022.
Middle School Families: Sign up for a conference with your child’s homeroom teacher. If there is a specific need, you may conference with one additional teacher.
Student Support Team: Students receiving services from the Student Support Team will be contacted directly to schedule a virtual conference.
*Note: Extended Day Care is open on Conference Days for those students who pre-registered. These days are not part of the November contracted days. There is limited space available for these dates if desired. Contact Rachelle Overby, XDC Co-Director, to inquire.