Parish News
New Parishioner Blessing & Reception, Sunday, June 2, 10:30am Mass
Did you know over 60 families have joined St. John Parish in the past year? Help us welcome them by coming to the 10:30am Mass on Sunday, June 2 where Fr. Crispin will offer a special blessing. After Mass, join us in the Parish Admin Building for a reception to celebrate and welcome these new families to our wonderful St. John community.
Please Support the 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal!
Asante Sana to the over 45 families who have already donated $17,425 (19%) of our goal of $90,930 to the ACA! Please support the more than 60 essential ministries and shared services of the Archdiocese through the ACA. Each dollar makes a difference toward helping our many neighbors in need in the wider community of Western Washington, from Vancouver to Blaine and Forks to Snoqualmie.
Once we reach our goal, all funds collected after that will come back to St. John Parish. This year, our rebate will go into our Operating Budget to support necessary maintenance needs. You may have noticed that we repaired the cement on the front steps and the walkway on the south side around the Church. We also leveled and laid cement at the crosswalk in front of Egan Hall. It is important that we continue to make these necessary repairs promptly to best protect our spiritual home here at St. John.
Please prayerfully consider how you can participate in helping our parish be a light to others. If you have already made your donation, we thank you. The quickest and easiest way to donate is to do so online. Please go to
Agape Summer 2024 Service Projects
Information, including dates, times, and registration, for the Agape Summer Service projects can be found here. Partnering with Agape and Assumption Parish in Bellingham, these one-day service projects are a meaningful way to foster service, community, and prayer as participants encounter Christ and uphold the dignity of our farmworker brothers and sisters.
Vacation Bible School
August 19-23, 9am-Noon in Egan Hall, Mezzanine, Grades K-4
Calling all children in grades K-4 for the upcoming 2024-25 school year! You are invited to participate in this year’s VBS! We will explore the lives of Saints around the world and learn about each Saint and their country through stories, art, dance and music! Teacher Vanessa Castillo will once again lead this fun week. Click here for the registration form.
Please contact Teresa Gillett, Director of Parish Development, at or call 206-782-2810, ex 355 with any questions.