Parent Action Items
- State of the Parish Presentation: Attendance at the State of the Parish is REQUIRED for all school families who pay the Parish tuition rate. Deadline to view (here) is 11/21.
- St. Vincent de Paul Thanksgiving Drive: Join sixth graders to help our neighbors this holiday season. The drive ends 11/26. Details here.
- Warm Coat/Raincoat: It’s cold and rainy. Make sure your student brings appropriate outerwear.
- Counselor’s Corner: Ms. Shaw shares valuable resources to help families practice gratitude and mindfulness. Read here.
- Middle School Musical: Registration is REQUIRED for students who wish to participate in the MSM. Deadline to register is 11/26.
- Grand Day, Grs. 3-5, 11/27: Grandparents and special friends are invited to Grand Day. Deadline to RSVP (here) is 11/22.
- Intermediate Christmas Concert: The date of the Intermediate (Grs. 3-5) Christmas Concert has changed to December 19.