Social Studies

Geography Day

Teaching Social Studies at St. John School encompasses

  • A balanced view of the social sciences
  • An appreciation of the cultural diversity present in our state, and world
  • The development of a social conscience
  • Students learn the principles of Catholic social teaching through the vehicles of history, geography, civics, and economics.

Principles of Catholic Social Teaching:

  • Each person is sacred
  • Each person is social
  • We care for creation
  • All people have rights and responsibilities
  • We take care of the poor and vulnerable
  • Workers have rights; work has dignity
  • Solidarity is our call; we are the keepers of our brothers and sisters

The study of the seven continents and global cultures is pursued with a focus on particular countries and subjects undertaken at each grade level:

  • Kindergarten: communities, United States, Canada, Mexico
  • First Grade: citizenship, United States, India, and Australia
  • Second Grade: basic map skills, Japan, South America, Europe
  • Third Grade: Native American Peoples, China, Africa, and Scandinavia
  • Fourth Grade: geography and history of Washington State
  • Fifth Grade: geography and history of the United States
  • Sixth Grade: world history, world geography, ancient civilizations
  • Seventh Grade: world history and geography from 500-1800
  • Eighth Grade: United States history; the history, civics, and economics of Washington State

Textbooks, technology, maps, globes, and atlases are employed as aids for learning.

Field trips, research, and an integrated multi-arts program are used to enhance learning. An annual cultural fair for 8th grade students and dramatic production for primary grades are but two examples of social studies integrated learning experiences. Technology resources and classic literature assist students as they come to learn and appreciate lives, events, and cultures across time and place.