Back to School Parent Authorization Form, 2024-25

Families are required to review the following handbooks/policies and submit the Back to School Parent Authorization form before the start of the 2024-25 school year. Submission of the form covers all students in the household and must be completed by the parent(s)/guardian(s). Families are required to adhere to the following:

Back to School Parent Authorization Form

Back to School Requirements

Parent Name(Required)
Parent Email(Required)

Family Handbook(Required)
We have reviewed and understand the St. John School Family Handbook and agree to adhere by all contained therein.

Middle School Handbook (required for Middle School families)
We have read and understand the St. John Middle School Handbook and agree to adhere by all contained therein.

Electronic/Technology Use Policy(Required)
We have read and understand the St. John School Electronic/Technology Use Policy and agree to adhere by all contained therein.

Cell Phone/Smart Watch Policy(Required)
We have read and understand the St. John School Cell Phone/Smart Watch Policy and agree to adhere by all contained therein.

Seattle Public Library Behavior Agreement(Required)
We have read and understand the St. John School/Seattle Public Library Behavior Agreement and agree to adhere by all contained therein.

Safe Environment Training for Volunteers(Required)
I understand that to volunteer at St. John School I must complete and maintain Safe Environment Training.

Parent Volunteer Privacy and Confidentiality Agreement(Required)
I, as a volunteer for St. John School, agree to never disclose information about a student’s behavior and or academic records to anyone other than an authorized school employee. I will refer all requests for such information from those not directly involved in the student’s education to authorized school employees.

Dress Code(Required)
We have read and understand the St. John Dress Code and agree to adhere by all contained therein.

Photo/Video/Sound Release Policy(Required)
We have read St. John School’s Photo Release Policy.

Enter parent/guardian name below.