We invite the St. John School community to celebrate the start of the school year! Feel free to bring your lawn chairs or blankets for communal seating. We always have a huge, happy turnout for this event; please help make it fun and successful by volunteering. We have different positions and shifts, so you won’t miss out on the fun!
- Friday, September 6, 2024, 6-9pm
- Cost – $15 per student / $50 per family – includes food and drinks. Financial Aid is available. Please contact Andrea Marquez, amarquez@st-johnschool.org, to inquire.
- The deadline to purchase tickets is Wednesday, 9/4/24, 11:58pm. (Limited tickets will be available for purchase at the door with a late surcharge. Purchasing tickets past the deadline puts undue strain on administration and the BBQ planning team. A surcharge of $15 per single ticket / $50 per family ticket will be added to all tardy purchases to accommodate late additions.)
We are sorry. The ordering portal is closed.