Bump It Up! is back this September! This is our Annual FUNraiser Tournament to support St. Al/John Athletics! Registration is $50 per person with all proceeds going to St. Al/John Athletics. The deadline to register is October 5.
Bump it Up! starts the week of September 23. Playing times for your team will be for 50 minutes, twice a week during the evening hours (6pm or 6:50pm or 7:40pm or 8:20pm) on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays during late September and October. Thank you for supporting St. John/St. Al Athletics by coming out and playing!
Contact John Fletcher (Volleyball Coordinator), fletchjp@aol.com, or Brian Haid (Athletics Director), stjohnad@st-johnschool.org, with questions.
If you are a St. John teacher/staff, register here.