Volunteer as a Buddy Family

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Buddy Family! Partnering with the School, buddy families help new students and their families integrate into the St. John community. The Buddy Family reaches out to the new family and provides them with support, resources, social opportunities, and familiar faces to help foster a connection to the school. Additionally, the Buddy Family assists new families in understanding the significance of school events and participation throughout the year.

What do I have to do?

  • Contact your new family to introduce yourself. Provide your contact information and let them know in what capacity you are available to support them.
  • Attend the kick‐off event for the 2021-2022 Buddy Program or Back to School BBQ (TBD).
  • Attend, plan and/or host at least one Buddy Family event, i.e. play date, picnic, etc.
  • Keep your new family informed of upcoming school events that you think would interest them.
  • Know where to find resources to answer questions; familiarize yourself with the school website and consistently read NewsViews each week.

To volunteer as a Buddy Family, please contact Jonna Skokan, Director of Admissions and Development at jskokan@st-johnschool.org.