News From The Parish
St. Vincent de Paul’s Big Red Truck will be on campus Saturday, November 7 (4:30-6:30pm) and Sunday, November 8 (8am-1pm) to accept your donations of clothing and household goods (no furniture items, please).
State of the Parish In preparation for this annual event the Parish is asking for photographs of baptisms, First Communion, RCIC, RCIA, CYO events, or other church events. Please share in jpeg format by emailing your photos to Mary Wiseman in the Parish office,
Veterans Day Mass All masses on November 7 and 8 will honor our veterans – living or deceased – who have served or are serving us in the armed forces. Come honor our service men and women, and pray for peace around the world. Bring your “extra” Halloween candy to mass; it will be collected and sent to Operation Gratitude (USO). Look for bins in the Vestibule. We have recently replaced our American flag. The Boy Scouts will retire the old flag.