Letter from the Principal – O Come, O Come Emmanuel!
We mark this holy season of Advent by beginning each school week in church, lighting the Advent candles as we await the wondrous birth of Jesus. Thank you for ensuring that your children are on time for this short but meaningful prayer service. During the rest of the week, the departments gather for their own prayer services, lighting additional candles each succeeding week and teaching the children the beautiful Advent traditions. Next week also, the students in grades 3 – 8 will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation in preparation for Christmas. It can be a hectic month; we have Christmas concerts to attend, and baking and shopping to accomplish, but taking time out to ponder the Christmas miracle is well worth while!
Report cards are being sent home with the children today. Be sure to ask your children if they don’t immediately produce them! In the envelope you will also find their STAR reading reports and for students in grades 2 – 8, their IOWA assessment results. Look at the reports with your children and congratulate them on their areas of strength. If there is need for improvement noted, help your children to set timely and accessible goals.
Wishing you peace and joy,
Bernadette O’Leary